Evening Set-up and Take-down Activities

General Notes:

All participants are encouraged to arrive early to help with setup and everyone helps to put the supplies away, restoring the placement of chairs and leaving the hall as we found it.

Sangha equipment is kept in the locked cupboard in the disabled bathroom accessed from meditation area.

The combination for the padlock is written on transparent tape on the upper left corner of the right side of the cabinet.

Cushions and mats are kept above the cabinet, or in adjacent closet. Shoji screen and lamp are kept to the right of cabinet.

Setup for Meditation and Discussion:

The small square table for the Buddha Statue is set up on one corner of circle and covered  with one of the cloths in the cupboard.

The shoji screens go behind the Buddha statue; and a floor lamp is often placed behind them.

The tea light ‘candles’ and the string of prayer flags are often placed in front of Buddha statue.

The vase with flowers is often placed on the floor in front of Buddha.

The bell goes on the chairs at the front of the hall for the volunteer meditation leader.

Place the Dana Basket (with its sign) somewhere prominent near the Buddha statue.

Setup the seating and entry way:

Move the table along the back into the front foyer.

Plug in any electronic devices that are needed.

Place some cushions and mats on chairs for members to take.

Turn on appropriate lighting.

In the entry, place the long table from the back of the hall in the entry, where it is accessible to people entering the building.

Place the 20 x 30 Welcome to PT Sangha sign on table in holder.

Arrange the Contact List, Volunteer Sign-up Sheet, and Brochures on the table.

Make sure there are pens available near clipboards.

Make sure the front door is unlocked and lights are on in the foyer, hallway, library and kitchen.


Turn on lights in library, open door and ensure sign-out sheet is visible.


Return seats to original locations.

Store all items in, on or near the cabinet located in the adjacent rest room. Zabutons, zafus, cushions and mats go on top of the cabinet or in the adjacent closet. Screens and lamps go alongside; the small table goes on left wall. The Buddha statue is covered with cloth and goes in the cabinet.

Return table in foyer to main hall.

Collect dana money and put in an envelope, marking it with the day’s date. There is a black plastic zippered envelope used for the treasury in the cupboard. Envelopes should be in there.  A treasury volunteer will collect the funds for deposit.