The discussion facilitator guides us through a free discussion of our practice and the dharma, often with the help of recorded material he or she has selected for the evening.
We take a ten minute break for tea and quiet socializing in the kitchen.
Meanwhile, silence is maintained in the meditation hall.
In advance, prepare readings or locate a recorded talk on the selected theme.
At 8 pm, after the break, call members back to the circle by ringing a bell.
Welcome the group back and introduce your topic.
Ensure that new arrivals have been introduced.
Explain about the DanaBasket. These contributions pay our rent and allow us to engage in some charitable work.
Play the recording or pass around any written material. Recorded talks should be under 20 minutes in length.
Facilitate discussion. Help ensure that all members have had an opportunity to speak and share, as some may be shy and need a little encouragement.
Circulate the sign up sheet. Ask for announcements.
At end of evening, invite newcomers to return, and to contact us with questions at or via the website at
Conclude at 9 pm.