Weekly Meditation

The Sangha meets on Zoom each Wednesday at 7 PM. An access link is in the weekly newsletter.

A group of members also meets in the Friends Meetinghouse each Monday at 7 PM.

The format for both is similar.

Between 7:00 and 9:00 PM, a gathering of people come together to meditate and to support one another in meditation practice. For beginners, an introduction to meditation is found here.

Meditation is led each week by a volunteer. Information on how you can help is here.

At Wednesday meetings of the sangha on Zoom, participants often greet one another prior the the chant, and the meditation period is 30 minutes. Following meditation is a discussion with the program set by the week’s Volunteer Discussion Facilitator.

On Mondays, participants enter the hall silently; meditation starts at 7:00 PM, with a 45-minute silent meditation period. Tea is usually served after meditation and before discussion.

The program often includes a shared reading or may be a recorded talk or video presentation from a meditation teacher.

Most of these readings and talks come from teachers of Vipassana or Buddhist insight meditation – although facilitators may present teachings taken from other related meditation practices.

The discussions that follow provide an opportunity to learn together, develop our understanding, help support each other’s practice, and strengthen our meditation community.

Facilitators also offer programs without texts or readings, by leading discussions among members related to experiences, insights or challenges found in meditation and related practices. Sometimes poetry us featured.

A page with remarks useful for leading or participating in a sangha discussion, are found at Sangha Discussion Guidelines.


These programs by the community of meditators, depends upon volunteers to lead meditation and to facilitate discussions.

The volunteer Meditation Leader begins meditation and ends our meditation period with a bell, may read a short poem or passage and welcomes new members.

More details of all evening volunteer opportunities, please click here.

Please sign up in person, or contact us by email to lead a discussion or discuss ideas for a theme or topic, or to volunteer to help in other ways.

If you wish assistance with a presentation, we will introduce you to helpful members. To aid facilitators, this Resources: Dharma on the Web page has some ideas on where materials may be found for discussion.