Sangha Lending Library


PT Sangha Library

The Port Townsend Sangha has a free lending library of books, CDs, and tapes.

The Library is in the Friends Meeting House, and is available on Wednesday nights at our regularly scheduled sits.

To borrow an item from the library, just record your name, date, and item being checked out in the check-out clipboard.

There is no time limit for borrowing, but it’s helpful to return the item within a month so others can have access to it. Don’t forget to mark your return of the item on the check-out clipboard.

There is a Donation Box on the bottom shelf of the bookcase for donating books or CDs. Please leave donations there, so that our librarian can catalogue and shelve them.

Thank you!

To see a list of all books in our library, click here.

Search Our Collection Here:

211 Items Matched.
Result Page:<<<
of 22

11.Dana The Practice of Giving
Bikkhu Bodhi - Editor
12.Conquest of Violence
Joan Bondurant
13.Dancing in the Dharma
Sandy Boucher
14.Discovering Kwan Yin
Sandy Boucher
15.Opening the Lotus
Sandy Boucher
16.Turning the Wheel
Sandy Boucher
17.Keys to Natural Truth
Ajaan Buddhadasa Bhikku
18.The Prison of Life
Ajaan Buddhadasa Bhikku
19.Nibbana for Everyone
Ajaan Buddhadasa Bhikku
20.Food for Thought
Ajaan Buddhadasa Bhikku
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of 22